Sunday, May 19, 2013

Formal Paper First Draft

Chris Breuner
English 1A

     With the topic of gun control and regulation comes countless arguments stemming from all directions. From some, a need to protect the rights of Americans under the second amendment, and from others, the desire to protect their families and live in a less armed country. From the drafting of the constitution, gun control has been a topic for discussion. Many feel that the right to own a weapon of their choice is written in the constitution, while others say it doesn't apply to heavy weaponry.....

#1 gun control is a heavy subject.
...needs to be regulated
...educated safety in mind
#2 anti gun control arguments
...2nd amendment - up for interpretation (just like the rest of them)
...taking them off the streets wont make them disappear
...only increase gun smuggling
#3 what should we do?
gun classes, permits
veteran permits
gun permit regulation.

1 comment:

  1. Hi chris! will do a peer review tonight on this post :) Check my first rough draft post to do your peer review on my work
