Friday, May 10, 2013

Annotated Bibliography

 Annotated Bibliography
Whitney, Craig R.  Living with guns : a liberal's case for the Second Amendment. New York : Public Affairs, 2012. Print.
While gun control is trending in the media, there is no absence of books and journals on the subject. It seems that gun control and regulation has been a disputed topic since this country was founded. This book called to me because while researching the counter argument of anti-gun regulation, I realized that the second amendment argument is quite valid. Its simply a matter of interpretation. I needed to do more research as I could see plainly how others would interpret stricter gun control as infringing on the second amendment. I believe that this book will be a great asset in my argument, and strengthen my knowledge of the counter argument.

"The Case for Gun Policy Reforms in America." Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, 2013. Web. May 2013.

I believe that this 12 page PDF will be one of the largest assists I have for writing my paper. It contains less of an argument, and more pact full research facts provided by the John Hopkins Center for Gun Policy and Research. It opens up with recent statistics about gun violence and how its affecting the country, then provides background for current gun laws and regulations. This article also brought to my attention a new argument out of their data. A large percentage of gun offenders are very young and many underage. Creating an environment making guns harder to come by would mean reducing a lot of the guns to fell into kids hands. Whether its an inattentive parent that no longer purchased a gun due to them being harder to purchase, or less on the streets to make their way to the kids who seek them out. In just a few pages this article expanded my argument and backed them up with valuable statistics.

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