Sunday, April 21, 2013

     If I had the ability to change my society, it would probably be something along the lines of massive social reform, not something as simple as what I'm discussing here. However, due to the fact that this exercise is limited to one particular choice, I would have to choose the currently trending topic that is very controversial in the United States today. The topic of gun control has been discussed and worked over in the media what seems like every day since the tragic Newtown Connecticut incident. People arguing for and against gun control, background checks, and regulation. My first order of business, would be to implement a gun regulation law, that would require all assault weapons to be banned for all citizens who do not possess the required permit. Only certain citizens would able to obtain this permit after mandatory instructional classes, and basic psychic exam. Background checks are mandatory for all gun owners. New guns (non assault) may be obtained without a license, after a 14 day waiting period. All guns are to be registered with the ATF.
     A common argument I hear against the illegalization of assault weapons is something along the lines of "Making them illegal wont take them off the street, meth is illegal, and its still on the street." While this is true, its an awful argument because methamphetamines were made legal, the amount of meth users would increase. Making it illegal severely cuts down the amount on the street.
     In short, if I were to construct an entire gun regulation proposition, I would probably have to spend a bit more time considering all the factors, like the one that making assult weapons ilegal would also take them out of the hands of well adjusted citizens. And making them illegal would create the daunting task of removing them from the hands of current gun owning citizens. Good luck in the deep south.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your thoughtful post. I'm counting on your generation to some day make this happen.
